[Solution] Week 7 :Application Engineering : M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers

 [Solution] Week 7 :Application Engineering : M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers

Homework 7.1 : 

Which of the following statements are true about replication in MongoDB? Check all that apply.

Solution : 

Homework 7.2 : 

Let's suppose you have a five member replica set and want to assure that writes are committed to the journal and are acknowledged by at least 3 nodes before you proceed forward. What would be the appropriate settings for w and j?

Solution : 

Homework 7.3 :

Which of the following statements are true about choosing and using a shard key? Check all that apply.

Solution : 


Feel free to comment below your experience with above approach and If you still find any problem  with above steps Let me know I would love to help you to resolve your  problem.

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Related Post : 

1) [SOLUTION] WEEK 1 : INTRODUCTION : M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers

2) [SOLUTION] WEEK 2 : CRUD : M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers

3) [SOLUTION] Week 3 :The Node.js Driver : M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers

4) [SOLUTION] WEEK 4 : SCHEMA DESIGN : M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers

5) [SOLUTION] WEEK 5 : INDEXES AND PERFORMANCE : M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers

6) [SOLUTION] WEEK 6 : THE AGGREGATION FRAMEWORK : MongoDB for Node.js Developers

7) [SOLUTION] WEEK 7 :APPLICATION ENGINEERING : MongoDB for Node.js Developers

