ECMAScript (ES6) Features with Example (Part -1)
ECMAScript (ES6) Features Part 1 By Visionfortech |
In this article we will discuss about some major features about ECMAScript (ES6). Since there are lot many features of into ES6 We will cover few of them in part 1 and rest of them we will cover it in out next article. So let' start with some coolest features of ES6 now.
Below are the list of ES6 Features.
- let vs var
- Declaring Variable as Constant
- Template Literals
- Spread Operator
- Function default parameters
- Arrow functions
- Shorthand Properties
- This keyword
- Destructuring
- Class Inheritance
- Promise
- Define and Use of Promise
- Promise Chaining
- Error Handling into Promise Chain
In this article we are going to discuss about let vs var, Declaring Variable as Constant, Template Literals, Spread Operator, Function default parameters, Arrow functions features of ES6
1. Let vs Var
Var :var visionfortech_x = 5;if(visionfortech_x){var visionfortech_x = 10}console.log(visionfortech_x ) // The output will be 10Let :var visionfortech_x = 5; if(visionfortech_x){ let visionfortech_x = 10 } console.log(visionfortech_x ) // The output will be 5
for detail understanding please visit let vs var by visionfortech or Global VS local Variable into JS
2. Declaring variable as Constant
Const:1) const car = "Honda";car = "BMW";console.log(car) // It will give you an Error2) const cars = ['Honda', 'BMW'];cars.push('Ferrari');console.log(cars); // Output will be ['Honda','BMW','Ferrari']3) const car = {brand: 'BMW',doors: 2, engine: 3.0 } car.brand = "Ferrari"; console.log(car); // Output will be {brand: 'Ferrari',doors: 2,engine: 3.0}
3. Template Literals
1) let name = "Pratik";let message = `Hello Mr. ${name}`;console.log(message ) // Hello Mr. Pratik2) let number1 = 10;let number2 = 20;let results = `Total is $${number1 + number2}`;console.log(results); // Total is 30
4. Spread Operator
var topics= ["Javascript", "Angular", "VueJS"];var author_topics = ["visionfortech", "JS", "MongoDB"];var author_likes= ["Mongodb Certifications",...topics, ...author_topics];console.log(...author_likes)Above will print below thing on browser console.Mongodb Certifications,Javascript,Angular,VueJS,visionfortech,js,MongoDB
5. Function Default Parameter
function website(sitename="Visionfortech", sitetype="Blog"){console.log(car1, car2); }console.log(website())Above will print below thing on browser console.Visionfortech Blogfunction website(sitename="Visionfortech", sitetype="Blog"){console.log(car1, car2); }console.log(website("Visionfortech Javascript"))Above will print below thing on browser console.Visionfortech Javascript Blog
6. Arrow Function
var cal = (number1, numbe2) => number1 + numbe2;console.log(cal(3, 12));Above will print below thing on browser console.15
For More ES6 features stay tuned to visionfortech
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